We redefine interactions with technology; we are KINFINITY!


Founded in 2018, KINFINITY is a spin-off of the German Aerospace Center (DLR). We at KINFINITY have hands-on experience developing products not only for research but also for real-world applications.  Our goal is to make interacting with a machine as intuitive as interacting with a human being and with this in mind, we bring technology developed specifically for astronauts to control robots from afar, back to earth just for YOU to make your recovery journey better and far more enjoyable!

Designed not only FOR, but WITH patients of different ages, and backgrounds, and suffering from different physical conditions, the KINFINITY Physiotherapy Service is a one-stop solution for all your physiotherapy needs!


Max and Maxime are the two co-founders of KINFINITY. Together, they built robots for space at the German Aerospace Centre for over 15 years.

Maximilian Maier

Founder and CEO

Dr. Maxime Chalon

Founder and CTO

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